
During my studies in MediaDesign I decided to focus on animation. I was inspired by the many beautiful movies and special effects within them to learn this skill. Over time, I have worked with many different softwares such as Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Cinema4D, and Maya

3D Treehouse

I both modeled and textured this treehouse. This project was created using Maya for modeling and Substance Painter for texturing.

3D Harry Potter Wand

This project was created in Cinema4D and was a project with a lot of freedom. I decided to first create a base for the wand and then add the details using sculpting.

Title Screen

With this project I wanted to create a 2D starting screen for an existing series. I used the original music of this series to animate it too. This was created in After Effects.

Getreal Logo

For the company Getreal I created this logo animation to work together with their online classes at the time because of covid 19.
